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Image d'aliments riches en vitamines et minéraux pour la santé capillaire avec des carottes, des œufs, du saumon et des noix

Nourish Your Hair Strong and Shiny with These Foods

Nutrition and Hair Health

Having strong and shiny hair is not only about the external care you give it, but also about what you consume on a daily basis. Nutrition plays a vital role in hair health, and it is crucial to understand how a balanced diet can transform your hair.

Essential Vitamins for Healthy Hair

Some vitamins are particularly beneficial for the health of your hair. Some of the most important include:

  • Vitamin A : Essential for cell growth, it helps produce sebum, a natural oil that moisturizes the scalp and keeps hair healthy. Carrots, spinach, and sweet potatoes are good sources of this vitamin.
  • Vitamin B : Vitamin B complex, especially biotin (B7), is known to improve hair texture and strength. Eggs, nuts, and foods rich in whole grains can increase your B vitamin intake.
  • Vitamin C : It helps in the production of collagen, which is essential for hair. In addition, it helps in the absorption of iron, another crucial nutrient. Citrus fruits, peppers, and berries are rich in vitamin C.
  • Vitamin D : Vitamin D deficiency can lead to hair loss. The sun is the main source, but oily fish and some mushrooms also contain it.
  • Vitamin E : It improves blood circulation and helps maintain hair's natural shine. Almonds, avocados, and vegetable oils are excellent sources.

Essential Minerals

Minerals also play a significant role in hair nutrition. Among them:

  • Iron : Iron helps red blood cells carry oxygen to your cells, including those in your scalp. A deficiency can cause anemia and hair loss. Include sources like lentils, spinach, and red meats in your diet.
  • Zinc : Essential for hair tissue growth and repair, it also keeps the sebaceous glands around the follicles functioning properly. Pumpkin seeds, chickpeas and oysters are rich in zinc.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for hair health because they are present in the cells that make up the scalp and ensure the proper functioning of hair follicles. Oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and anchovies are excellent sources of omega-3, as are flaxseeds and walnuts.

Hydration: A Key Factor

Drinking enough water is vital to maintaining hydration in your scalp and hair. A dehydrated scalp can make your hair look dull and brittle, leading to increased breakage.

The Impact of Lifestyle Habits

Besides diet, certain lifestyle habits such as regular sleep, stress reduction and moderate physical activity contribute greatly to overall health, and therefore to that of hair.


Proper nutrition and hydration play a crucial role in the health of your hair. Eat a diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals to improve the texture, strength, and shine of your hair. Also, to maximize the benefits of your diet, it is recommended to combine it with quality natural hair care products.

Try our Products

To discover how to combine healthy eating with natural hair care, explore our range of high-quality products. Visit this page to learn more and try our natural hair oils. You will quickly see the difference that quality care can make to your hair.

Image d'aliments riches en vitamines et minéraux pour la santé capillaire avec des carottes, des œufs, du saumon et des noix
Image d'aliments riches en vitamines et minéraux pour la santé capillaire avec des carottes, des œufs, du saumon et des noix

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