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Gros plan sur des aliments riches en nutriments essentiels pour des cheveux sains tels que des légumes, des fruits à coque et du poisson, mis en avant pour illustrer l'importance d'une alimentation équilibrée pour la santé capillaire.

Nourish your hair with essential oils and natural foods

Nutrition and Hair Health

The importance of a balanced diet for hair health cannot be underestimated. The nutrients we consume play a crucial role in the growth, strength and shine of our hair. In fact, hair, just like skin and nails, is often a reflection of our overall health. A poor diet can therefore lead to dull, brittle hair and increased hair loss.

Essential Nutrients for Healthy Hair

To promote healthy, shiny hair, certain nutrients are essential:

  1. Protein : Hair is mostly made of keratin, a protein. Consuming protein-rich foods like chicken, fish, eggs, and legumes helps strengthen hair follicles and stimulate hair growth.

  2. Vitamins :

    • Vitamin A : It helps in the production of sebum, an essential substance to keep the scalp hydrated. It is found in carrots, spinach and sweet potatoes.
    • Vitamin E : It improves blood circulation to the scalp, promoting healthy hair growth. Almonds, sunflower seeds, and avocados are excellent sources.
    • Vitamin C and D : These vitamins help strengthen hair and prevent hair loss. Citrus fruits, fish and dairy products are rich in them.
  3. Minerals :

 - **Le fer** : Une carence en fer peut conduire à une perte de cheveux. Intégrez des épinards, des lentilles et de la viande rouge pour boostez vos apports en fer.
 - **Le zinc** : Il joue un rôle crucial dans la réparation des tissus capillaires. On le trouve notamment dans les noix, les graines de citrouille et les pois chiches.
  1. Omega-3 fatty acids : These lipids promote hair hydration and shine. Oily fish like salmon, mackerel, and flaxseed are excellent sources.

Role of natural hair oils

To complement a balanced diet, natural hair oils can be valuable allies. They nourish the scalp and hair, while providing essential nutrients directly to the hair fiber. For example:

  • Coconut oil : Known for its moisturizing properties, it penetrates deep into the hair.
  • Argan oil : Rich in vitamin E, it offers antioxidant and regenerative benefits.
  • Castor oil : Promotes hair growth thanks to its omega-9 fatty acids.

Healthy Habits for Shiny Hair

Besides proper nutrition and the use of hair oils, other habits can boost the health of your hair:

  • Hydration : Adequate water intake helps maintain hydration of the scalp and hair.
  • Avoid excess heat : Frequent use of straighteners, hair dryers and other heating tools can weaken hair.
  • Regular care : Regular scalp massages stimulate blood circulation and promote hair growth.

Try our product range

For those who wish to enrich their hair routine with high-quality products, we invite you to discover our range of natural hair oils. Our discovery box is perfect for experiencing the benefits of our oils:

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Take a holistic approach to healthy, vibrant hair. Good nutrition, healthy habits, and quality hair care are the keys to a strong scalp and shiny hair.

Gros plan sur des aliments riches en nutriments essentiels pour des cheveux sains tels que des légumes, des fruits à coque et du poisson, mis en avant pour illustrer l'importance d'une alimentation équilibrée pour la santé capillaire.
Gros plan sur des aliments riches en nutriments essentiels pour des cheveux sains tels que des légumes, des fruits à coque et du poisson, mis en avant pour illustrer l'importance d'une alimentation équilibrée pour la santé capillaire.

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