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Femme appliquant de l'huile capillaire sur ses cheveux pour une routine de soins capillaires complète et efficace

Hair routine: hygiene and natural hair oils

Hair Care and Hygiene

Caring for your hair involves more than just choosing a hair oil. A complete and effective hair care routine starts with good scalp hygiene and understanding your hair's specific needs.

The scalp is the foundation of all hair. A healthy scalp promotes the growth of strong and resilient hair. Poor hygiene, however, can lead to problems like dandruff, itching and even hair loss. It is therefore essential to wash your hair regularly with suitable products to remove impurities and excess oil. Opt for mild sulfate-free shampoos and nourishing conditioners to maintain a healthy scalp balance.

Understanding Hair Types

Every hair type has specific needs. Dry hair, for example, will benefit greatly from moisturizing hair oils like argan oil or coconut oil, which penetrate the hair fiber for deep hydration. Oily hair, on the other hand, requires a different approach. Using lighter oils like jojoba oil can help regulate sebum production without weighing hair down.

The Importance of Hair Masks

Hair masks are crucial for maintaining healthy hair, especially if you regularly use heated styling tools or are frequently exposed to the elements. Applying a mask once a week revitalizes hair and provides it with the nutrients it needs to stay strong and shiny.

Scalp Massages

A good scalp massage doesn't just relax. It also stimulates blood circulation, promoting hair growth. Use a hair oil that's right for your hair type and use gentle circular motions to maximize the effectiveness of the treatment. This simple, enjoyable gesture can make a big difference in the long run.

How to Rinse Hair Properly

Rinsing is an often overlooked but equally important step. Improper rinsing leaves behind shampoo and conditioner residue that can irritate the scalp and dull hair. Use lukewarm water to rinse, as hot water can dry out hair and scalp. Finish with a blast of cold water to tighten hair cuticles and add shine.

The Use of Natural Hair Oils

Natural hair oils are a great way to nourish and protect your hair. Rich in essential fatty acids and vitamins, they offer unique benefits depending on their composition. For example, castor oil is known to stimulate hair growth, while coconut oil is great for deep moisturizing. To get the most out of these oils, apply them to slightly damp hair and let them soak in for at least an hour before rinsing.


Adopting a hair routine adapted to your specific needs is the key to maintaining healthy and shiny hair. And to maximize the benefits of your care, there is nothing like discovering and trying our range of natural products. Don't wait any longer to take care of your hair with high-quality products. Discover our discovery box and give your hair the care it deserves.

Femme appliquant de l'huile capillaire sur ses cheveux pour une routine de soins capillaires complète et efficace
Femme appliquant de l'huile capillaire sur ses cheveux pour une routine de soins capillaires complète et efficace

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